Welcome to Teen Alcohol Abuse

teen alcohol abuse

Our site on teen alcohol abuse and teenage alcoholism is dedicated to helping teenagers and parents of adolescents get help for alcohol addiction through residential treatment centers, alcohol rehab, and alcoholism counseling. Get alcohol statistics, alcohol facts, warning signs, effects, and alcohol treatment articles on our website. Find an alcohol treatment center for your teenager today!

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can come in more forms than just a hangover. This article discusses mild, moderate, and severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms, as well as the physical and psychological symptoms that accompany withdrawal from alcohol.
How to Talk to Teens About Alcohol Abuse
Learning how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse is something that every parent and educator should learn how to do. Teens need to know about the dangers of underage drinking and the effects or alcohol. Learning how to talk to teens about alcohol abuse is important and can make a difference in the life of a teen.
Teenage Alcoholism
This article is an overview on teenage alcoholism including teen alcohol statistics and facts, preventing teenage alcoholism, warning signs of teen drinking, effects of teen drinking, teen binge drinking, treatment of teenage alcoholism, and more...
Teen Alcohol Intervention
Many teens drink, some drink socially, some binge drink, some abuse alcohol, and some are alcohol dependent, or addicted to alcohol. Teen alcohol intervention is a way to help a teen recognize why alcohol use is dangerous and offer them help to stop drinking.
Alcohol and Stress
Stress has repeatedly been shown to have a role in the onset of substance abuse, including abuse of alcohol. What’s more, the finding of a causal relationship between stress and alcohol has been demonstrated in teens. Read the rest of this article for more on the relationship between alcohol and stress.