Alcohol and Memory Loss

Alcohol and memory loss are two elements that are connected, according to health researchers. Drinking too much alcohol, especially over a long period of time, can contribute to memory loss. This is also true for teens who drink since their brains are still developing.

Researchers have found that heavy drinking, or binge drinking, as teenagers can actually damage their ability to remember future tasks. This can be a devastating blow for teens especially since their best years are still in front of them. They still have college to consider as well as the rest of their adult lives. This research shows that teenagers brains are still developing and therefore do not have as large of a capacity for prospective memory as adults thus identifying the connection between alcohol and memory loss among teens. Prospective memory is the ability to remember something you intended to do at some point in the future including returning a phone call or running an errand. 

Alcohol and Memory Loss:

In one recent study regarding alcohol and memory loss in teens, the students surveyed were ages 16 to 19, and were asked to report the number of times they'd experienced prospective memory failure. According to the study, the teens that reported the highest number of failed memory instances were also the teens that drank the most and did so the most frequently. Alcohol and memory loss is a problem that is taken with these teens into their adult life. Aside from the problems that occur with alcohol and memory loss of the prospective type, the ability to recall past events is also greatly affected by alcohol consumption. This is a problem seen with both teen and adult drinkers. Other significant problems arise when teens begin drinking alcohol including stunted brain development and problems later in life with alcoholism and alcohol addiction. Because teen's brains still have a ways left to develop, the effect of drinking can greatly affect how much the brain has left to grow. This is why teens that drink often have a more difficult time in school, college as well as at work and other parts of their adult lives. Because of the problems that can occur when teens begin drinking, it is more important than ever for parents to take an active role in preventing their teens from drinking in the first place.

Teen Alcohol Abuse Prevention:

It is important for teens to understand the effects between alcohol and memory loss as well as the other negative repercussions that come with excessive drinking for prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, many teens have a invincibility complex where they imagine that nothing bad can happen to them. Showing them real-life instances of the devastating effects of alcohol is one of the best and most effective ways to prevent teens from drinking. Having repercussions and clear consequences and punishments set forth are also ways to help prevent teens from drinking. It is important that they understand there are consequences for their actions if they do decide to drink. If parents are watching where their teens go, who they are hanging out with and what time you can expect them home, they are less likely to be able to get away with drinking if you are watching what they are up to. It is up to the parents to inform their teens about the risks they take as well as the connections between alcohol and memory loss as well as the many other consequences that can take place when teens drink alcohol.

If your teen has already started underage drinking, it is important to get them help right away. Help them figure out the reasons they are drinking and the problems with their behavior. This can be done in a rehabilitation center or through traditional therapy and support groups. Getting them help as soon as you realize there is a problem is one of the best ways to help stop the problem before it gets worse. 


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