
Naltrexone is for teens and adults who are trying to stop drinking alcohol and using drugs. Naltrexone is a medication that can help prevent drinking or doing drugs and help a person from relapsing. Naltrexone provides alcohol abuse help by reducing cravings for alcohol and drugs.

Naltrexone is specifically prescribed for teens and adults who are done using alcohol or drugs, and is not recommended for drug or alcohol abuse help for those still using drugs or excessively drinking alcohol. Natlrexone is taken in the form of a pill or tablet taken orally either at home or under supervision in a clinic or rehab treatment center. If taken at home, Naltrexone should be taken carefully following the exact prescription recommendations. The brand names for Naltrexone are called Depade and ReVia. 

How does Naltrexone work?

Naltexone is used to greatly suppress the feeling of addiction and cravings for alcohol or drugs. Naltrexone is typically taken through the course of an addiction or alcohol abuse treatment program whether that be in some sort of treatment facility or something the individual does through a support group or program. This is really the only way Naltrexone can be successful in drug and alcohol abuse help. Because drug and alcohol addictions are not just physical problems, but are mental as well, emotional and mental treatment is another essential part of the recovery process. 

Naltrexone works to help adults and teens affected by drug addiction and alcoholism. However, the medication does not reduce or prevent the symptoms experienced during drug or alcohol withdrawal and may instead worsen those symptoms, which is why the medication should not be taken until the withdrawal period is over. Naltrexone only works for as long as you take it. Naltrexone should be used until the doctor or treatment supervisor is confident in your ability to be without it and not in danger of relapse. 

Side effects of Naltrexone

Because there are many side effects that could potentially be serious or harmful, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor about any pre existing health issues and/or other medications you are taking of any kind. Many medications tend to interfere or cause serious damage when used simultaneously with Naltrexone. 

Naltrexone side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fluctuations in energy level
  • Drowsiness
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Rash

Serious side effects that you should tell a doctor about right away are: confusion, hallucinations, blurred vision, severe vomiting or diarrhea. Many studies show high success rates with the use of Naltrexone among teens and adults who face serious problems with drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Naltrexone is a good solution for recovering addicts looking for assistance in a successful and full recovery from problems associated with alcohol and drug abuse. 


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